5 Reasons To Sign Up for My Whole30 Boot Camp
/June 11th is only a few days away, but there's still room for you to join my Pre-Whole30 Boot Camp. Here are a few reasons why I think this service is a MUST for anyone looking to change their life.
1. Boot Camp is not the Whole30, so you don't need to worry about changing your diet, buying certain groceries, or how your kids will respond to you cooking different foods (not yet, at least). The whole point is to learn the WHY and HOW behind the Whole30 so that you have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to DO a Whole30 when the time is right for YOU.
2. Studies show that we are more likely to follow through on our plans to make changes when we have the support of other people. By joining my Boot Camp, you will be accountable to me and other people, just like you, hoping to learn how to change their health, habits, and relationship with food.
3. As a Whole30 Certified Coach I am full of experience and expertise that I will be bestowing upon you. If you've followed me for a while, or know anything about my story, you'll know that I have not always lived this life. The Whole30 was the catalyst that jumpstarted my healthy lifestyle, and I have proven that this lifestyle can be affordable (hello, single income household) and sustainable. In my Boot Camp, you'll have direct access to me and my wealth of knowledge on whole living.
4. It's only two weeks, albeit a jam-packed two weeks, but I know you have done harder things and for longer periods of time. Let these next two weeks be about doing something for YOU! You don't have to wait until January to make a resolution to get healthy. Get signed up today and let's get you started on your journey towards incredible wellness!
5. It's only $50, but what you gain from it will be worth far more! If you're anything like I used to be, you probably spend $50 on Starbucks each month or at a restaurant with your family for one meal! This investment will set you up for success with tips and tricks of the trade that can help you meet your health and wellness goals.
I hope you'll consider joining me and the great group of people who’ve already signed up and are gearing up to change their life. Monday, June 11th is the first day, and because I want you to get the most out of the experience, I will no longer accept new members after that date. Hope to see you there!
Best in health,